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After Bankruptcy

How to Repay Your Student Loan(s) Post-Bankruptcy

We can help you understand and manage the repayment process.

Determine Who Has Your Student Loan(s)

If your student loan(s) was not in default when your bankruptcy case was filed, any balance which remains on the loan(s) after the bankruptcy must be repurchased by a lender. ECMC will request a lender repurchase your student loan(s) from us. Once this transaction is complete, your lender will notify you to set up repayment. In the meantime, you may make voluntary payments toward your outstanding balance at the following address:

P.O. Box 16478
St. Paul, MN 55116-0478

If your loan(s) was in default before you filed bankruptcy, contact your loan holder(s). Once you are out of bankruptcy, you are no longer under certain protections and may be subject to the consequences of default.

Contact your loan holder(s) to discuss your options. You can also get more information at our Resolving default section.

Impact to Consumer Report

Bankruptcy may stay on your consumer report for up to 10 years.

Get Additional Help

Please note: If you wish ECMC to discuss your private information with someone other than you or your attorney, please complete and sign a Borrower’s Authorization to Disclose Information giving your consent and mail the form directly to us at:

P.O. Box 16408
St. Paul, MN 55116-0408