FAFSA School Support
FAFSA Corrections: Third-Party Servicer Support
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced deferral of batch corrections for the 2024-25 FAFSA. Read the announcement here.
The Department is making support available for institutions—prioritized by need and volume of corrections—via third-party Servicers (TPS) to assist in manually processing corrections through FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP). This support is in addition to any assistance schools are already receiving from a TPS. No direct-to-school funding is available for this initiative.
The Department authorized ECMC to contract with known TPS to provide verification/correction services to participate in this initiative. Currently, NASFAA/Blue Icon, FAS, Inceptia and ProEd will be providing technical assistance for institutions.
Interested institutions should submit this in-take form, which will provide the necessary information to assess eligibility and needs. The submitted information will be reviewed and the institution will receive specific follow up about their eligibility and next steps, in order of submission. Requests will be granted based on need and servicer capacity. If you have questions about the form or process, email the Department at collegesupportstrategy-fafsa@ed.gov.
If you are a TPS that is not currently contracted to provide this support but has available resources to assist, please contact ECMC at fafsasupport@ecmc.org.